
For Amanda and Kristopher’s Lytle Creek summer engagement, we took full advantage of their Hidden Acres wedding venue! I typically like to scout a venue I haven’t worked before and it worked out perfectly since Hidden Acres is so wonderful and lets their couples have free use of the property for engagement sessions if there isn’t a wedding.

When Amanda initially inquired she mentioned their miniature schnauzer named Walter who runs their home. Thankfully they brought Walter along and he ran our Hidden Acres engagement session as well. Once you see Walter you’ll understand why we accepted our place and knew he was the star of the show.

But back to Amanda and Kristopher and Hidden Acres…

So after a few tries, we got our Lytle Creek engagement session date down…then another date was open where we could make use of both sides of the property and we jumped at that! It did not disappoint at all! Hidden Acres has several really beautiful areas for wedding ceremonies and receptions as well as an incredible little chapel and surrounding open areas with trees and mountain views. There are even horses! Though the horses weren’t the biggest fan of little Walter.

Most of our time was spent walking around Hidden Acres and getting a feel for the venue. We took little breaks to resume our engagement session and get to know each other. It was a nice reprieve and Amanda told me it was the first time she officially felt like a bride.

Walter let us know he was pretty much over checking out all the nature and scenery and that being separated from his beloved Amanda was no longer acceptable so with the sun settling in behind the mountain we wrapped it up with one last close up of Walter.

If you liked this Lytle Creek Summer engagement then you might want to check out this Lake Gregory engagement and this Big Bear Lake engagement for more mountain fun.

Lytle Creek Summer Engagement

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