
We’re back to the mountains with this Ferro Restaurant wedding in Idyllwild! Melissa and Weston found me in the most random way, from a recommendation on a Reddit post! As an Idyllwild wedding photographer, I know that a couple that has a love for the unconventional and adventurous tend to be the ones that opt for a wedding in Idyllwild. That continues to hold true for these two! They met online and bonded over a shared shoe size and a sense of adventure. Both which have come in handy while climbing and camping everywhere they go.

Like I said, my Idyllwild couples always tends to be untraditional and that held true. They got ready together and drove over to meet me for portraits before the ceremony started. With no big reveal for the first look, we made use of the giant boulders and shade from the forest for the impressive backdrop. As predicted, they climbed over rocks and bridges for anything I suggested and it made me love them all the more.

Melissa and Weston hopped back into their truck and headed back to Ferro just as their guests started to trickle in. Everyone got themselves a margarita and settled in for the beautiful ceremony. Melissa’s aunt officiated the ceremony as the trees swayed all around and above us.

What followed was the sweetest, reception filled with stories and laughter and pizza! With each speech you could feel the love and respect that everyone had for each of them!

Vendor Love! Venue Ferro Restaurant in Idyllwild, deserts Sunflower Cafe, florist Lily of the Valley Floral.

And if you loved this Ferro Restaurant wedding in Idyllwild, check out this Idyllwild elopement and this epic Idyllwild wedding!

Ferro Restaurant Wedding in Idyllwild

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