This rainy Redlands engagement proved to be an adventure! California got onboard with the whole idea of winter this year which meant many a rainy weekend!  Weddings…engagement sessions…almost all of them for the first several months of the year were either raining or overcast. I loved it and my AWESOME couples were pretty much down for all of it. Since we had booked this engagement session about a month out, when the week arrived predicting pouring rain…well we just made an adventure out of it! Kristen and Jayce were more than willing to frolic in the rain with me so we kept our plans.

When we got to the area I had picked out, there was a teeny, tiny window where it was drizzling just enough for us to get in a few with their adorable pup. As you’ll see, with all the open spaces, rain, and mud, well their dog Moose wanted little to do with behaving for photos.

When the rain started up again, I put on my umbrella that (yes you read that right…umbrella hat) and Kristen and Jayce managed with the clear umbrella I keep in my car for this exact weather. What you don’t see is Moose living his best life, rolling around and running at breakneck speed through anything he could find. At the very end the rain really started to come down. Well what do you do when it’s pouring rain during an engagement session? Well you do the only reasonable thing to do in that situation. We reenacted the scene from The Notebook because…well because we had an obligation to do so and we take these things very seriously.  

Please keep that mental image in your head as you scroll through this rainy Redlands engagement. Me running around with an umbrella on my head…Moose high speed, soaking wet, covered in mud, and as downright giddy as a dog can be…Jayce and Kristen reenacting The Notebook in the torrential downpour. All in all it was a success!

After that you should check out their summer Redlands wedding here and this Redlands country engagement here!

Rainy Redlands Engagement

Our Adventure Awaits

You & I

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