Loft 84 reception riverside california wedding

We know Amanda and Byron as Mandi and Todd from their rainy engagement session and their Riverside Loft 84 fall wedding was just as incredible.

Mandi’s romantic, gothic style was evident in every single aspect of the day. Her stunning dress and veil were custom made for her by her grandmother. Bat broaches adorned her shoes. The bridesmaids wore black lace and they all carried blood red roses. The wedding was at a beautiful old church with gothic architecture and large stained glass windows. The Loft 84 reception in Riverside, California seemed to be right out of the Phantom of the Opera.

Todd’s present from Mandi was a watch and an album of a gorgeous, classy boudoir session. We kept the entire boudoir session a secret from him (keep an eye out for his ear to ear grin). Mandi wore the beautiful necklace he gave her as she walked down the aisle to become his bride.

The ring Todd proposed with had sentimental meaning and a hilarious story! Todd’s grandfather pretended to propose to girls in bars with a fake ring. He had something special planned for the wedding! Todd designed Mandi’s ring for her from family diamonds. It was stunning! And Todd chose the necklace he gave Mandi to vaguely match the ring she’d be seeing for the first time.

As the heart of downtown Riverside isn’t known for its many areas of nature, I used the architecture of the church as a dramatic background that worked so well with the dramatic look and dark color. To get a few last sunset photos as well, I found an alley way and a curb to stand to bring in an entirely different look before we jumped into the car and headed back to Loft 84.

The Loft 84 fall wedding reception continued the romantic gothic theme perfectly with the historic space, large windows, and perfect table settings. Even the music playing fit the whole theme and had such a romantic, grand feel to it.

If you loved the historic feel to this Riverside Loft 84 fall wedding then you’ll have to check out this wedding at the historic Riverside Life Arts Center!

Venue https://www.loft84weddingandeventvenue.com

Riverside Loft 84 Fall Wedding

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