
For Julie and Phil’s Lantern Park Dana Point engagement we met at the Ocean Institute because it was a meaningful location for them. Being a beautiful day in summer, the area was packed! We found ourselves a few little corners before we headed over to Lantern Park just a few minutes away.

There’s no way to even skim the surface of Phil and Julie’s story and we’ll be here for a long time if I even try and give it justice. They met in the 80’s and had the most amazing relationship. Phil was five years younger and after a few years, Julie felt that he deserved to have more experience in the world. She almost instantly regretted that decision and for so many years compared every relationship to the one she had with Phil. Phil had been devastated by the breakup but moved on. Twenty-seven years later a chance encounter at a Starbucks neither of them frequented reunited them. Julie left a note on Phil’s car and here they are.

Trust me when I say that my tiny little recap of their love story barely honors what they have and how everyone knew that these two had been meant to be all those years ago.

Phil and Julie’s wedding is going to be at seven 7 seven, an artistic and colorful venue in Laguna Beach. As they started looking at photographers they were drawn to the vibrancy and use of nature in my own work. The venue is so unique that they knew they wanted to find a photographer who’s style showcased what they wanted from their long awaited wedding. We set up a FaceTime call and I immediately fell in love with their incredible love story and vision for their artistic wedding.

If you loved Phil and Julie’s Ocean Institute and Lantern Park Dana Point engagement, check out this epic San Clemente engagement!

Lantern Park Dana Point Engagement

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