We ventured out on this Santa Monica Pier spring engagement.  The city and pier had sentimental meaning for these two because it was where Hector asked Araceli to be his girlfriend.  What we didn’t think of was that it was also Saint Patrick’s Day and that everyone else in California would want to be out at the beach to enjoy the break in the rain…

We kept text messaging as all of us tried to navigate the freeway accidents, forty five minutes of backed up off ramp traffic, parking miles away, and me having to desperately find a bathroom after all of this madness. I also was rammed not once but twice as different strollers were used as weapons. While I waited for them in front of the arcade, I sat beside a man holding a giant boa constrictor…so that was an added flavor to the adventure. When Hector and Araceli arrived, Araceli’s eyes were wide at the insane amount of people swarming the pier. We definitely picked an exciting day for our Santa Monica engagement session.

Despite it being more crowded than Disneyland, we found little pockets where we could move around and had ourselves a blast! We played games, had a little photo booth fun, and got some popcorn to eat under the pier just as the sun started to see the water. The bold colors and life on the pier really brought a fun energy to the entire session. As the sun set, we went to the less crowded side of the beach and got the full view of the pier. Then we made the hike back to our cars in the dark but it was all so worth it.

If you loved this Santa Monica Pier spring engagement then you’ll love this San Clemente engagement!

Check out this winter engagement! Or check out a desert engagement!

Santa Monica Pier Spring Engagement

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